Sunday, March 11, 2012

Information Design Taking Shape

Information Design can take many different approaches, and since there are so many different steps and approaches it would be best to first approach the client for a better understanding of the information their trying to get across. Baer, pp 32 suggest that a understanding of what audience the client is selling their approach too and what requirements the client has would be the best starting point.

Before any project can really begin to take flight everyone working on it has to be on the same page otherwise no one will know what the other is doing. To get everyone on the same page it is best to start with a four part basics most knowingly known as a creative brief. The first part is a outline so to speak of what the client is trying to get across. Next part is what exactly is the information that the client wants their customers to know. Next goals every brief will have goals and the third part puts into perspective the goals the client wants focused on. Lastly budget without the budget being known the project cannot move forward. The budget will allow the team players working on the project to have a better understanding of what is needed, and how much time can be spent on the project.

(Baer, pp 76) Suggest that every project needs tests for the project to be considered complete it need’s to be tested by a outside source. Information returned by outside testers would allow the project team to go back and change any information they feel needs to be re-written to fit the goals of the client.

References Cited:

Baer, Kim. “Information Design Workbook: Graphic Approaches, Solutions, and Inspiration”.

Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers, Inc, 2008. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see that someone pointed out how many ways there are to approach an Information Design project. The “one size fits all approach” is not going to work in this field. Clients are constantly looking for ways to stand out. If a designer is not a “master of all trades”, they may need the clients help when working up the concept. While the client is supposed to know their target audience, I bet some of them don’t. It is great that you pointed out that the brief can be used to get everyone involved on the same page. In my opinion, it is the one official document all designers should try to develop; even for smaller projects. People often forget that there is a cost associated with projects. Clients want the most for their money. Sometimes efficiency allows designers to produce something that appears to be a “big ticket” item. But sometimes the client wants more than they can afford. It is nice to see the testing phase on your blog as well. It is interesting how much the client gets involved during the testing phase. If a designer knows the client better than they know themselves, the test should go great. If not, it may be back to the drawing board.
